Preparing For and Preventing Cold Stress Injuries
Keeping Yourself Protected With Cold Weather Workwear
At Kishigo, we’re committed to making worker safety a top priority. We created this newsletter to share with you information and articles that can help you and your business as it relates to the dangers of cold weather and how they can be mitigated with the right workwear.

Avoid, Spot, Treat: How To See The Signs Of Cold Stress Injuries
Everyone should be aware of the symptoms and risks of frostbite, hypothermia, and other forms of cold stress so they can quickly take action to protect themselves and others.
Here are the cold hard facts – when individuals are exposed to the winter elements for long periods without appropriate garments, their risk of hypothermia and frostbite rises dramatically – and the consequences can be deadly.

Winter Weather Guide: Is Your Crew Prepared For The Cold?
As winter weather becomes more harsh and unpredictable, it’s a question of ‘if’, not ‘when’ frigid conditions will impact workers. This makes it more important than ever for them to be able to get a read on winter weather conditions and react promptly and appropriately with the right PPE.

Learning To Layer: Basic Layering Guide
Our basic layering guide is designed to assist you in creating the essential foundation of clothing that not only keeps you warm but also ensures protection and safety in challenging conditions.
Explore the unique advantages of base, middle, and outer layers, and discover how Kishigo garments are tailored to keep you warm at your core.
Keeping Warm On The Coasts: Region-Specific Layering Guides
Blizzards, Nor'easters, sub-zero temperatures – the East Coast has its fair share of brutal weather conditions, but cold stress-causing weather conditions aren’t exclusive to any one region. The potential for cold stress symptoms can occur on the West Coast too.
Learn how workers from both sides of the country can specifically prepare for these conditions with essential layering guides uniquely tailored to keep them warm and protected, and see the Kishigo garments that can make it happen.